Part-1 Know Vedic Science Of Motion And Inertia.
Everything in the universe can be divided into two categories: bosons (ऋतम्) or energy (शक्तिः - कार्यजननसामर्थ्य) and fermions (सत्यम्) or matter (द्रव्य). Bosons (ऋतम् - भातिसिद्ध-अहृदय-अशरीरि) have no fixed structure and hence can occupy the same position or be in superposition (अध्यास). Fermions (सत्यम् – स+ति+यम् - स्थितिसिद्ध-सहृदय-सशरीरि) follow exclusion principle (विष्टम्भकत्व), because they have fixed structures. Initially, there was no such division. Everything was a bosonic field now called a quark-gluon plasma (ऋतमेव परमेष्ठि। ऋतं नात्येति किञ्चन। ऋते समुद्र आहितः। ऋते भूमिरियँ श्रिता। - तैत्तिरीयब्राह्मणम् – 1-5-5-1. Also, शतपथब्राह्मणम् 11-2-7-9).
Forces only push objects. There is nothing as a pull. At best what appears as a pull, is a push from the opposite direction. Thus, when a force is applied from a controlled direction (नियतदिक्क्रियाप्रबन्धहेतुः), it pushes the object in the same direction, provided, it is sufficient to break the inertia. The push can be of two types: 1) away from the center of mass towards the periphery till it is confined (गति); and 2) from the periphery or the field or the background structure towards the center, confining the outgoing radiation (आगति). The former is called positive charge (पुंलिङ्गम् characterized by प्रसव - creation of new particles) and the latter is called negative charge (स्त्रीलिङ्गम् characterized by संस्त्यान - confinement). Here charge is defined as the observable creative potential of everything (सामर्थ्य सर्वभावानां लिङ्गमित्यभिधीयते). Thus, confinement is a characteristic of the background or the field (स्त्रीयः सतीस्ताँ उ मे पुंस आहुः Rhk Veda 1-164-16). The interaction between charges determines the structure and properties of everything.
Charge neutral position of rest (स्थिति or प्रतिष्ठा) is where both opposite charges are in equilibrium or cancel each other. Hence, whenever we think of position or rest or equilibrium, we must consider the motions (स्थितस्य गति चिन्तनीया). The equilibrium is called BRAHMAA (ब्रह्मा), pure outward motion is called INDRA () and pure inward motion is called VISHNU (विष्णु). When the outward motion goes through the equilibrium position, it gets affected and becomes AGNI (अग्नि). When the same thing happens to the inward motion, it becomes SOMA (सोम). Think of the Sun and the Earth. Both attract each other. When a force starts from the Sun, it is radiative Indra. At the same time another force moves from Earth to block it. That is magnetic Vishnu. By the time they meet each other at the magnetosphere, both the Sun and the Earth have moved from their original position. Hence, the two forces make a couple, which intersect at one point. The outward motion from that point is Agni. The inward motion is Soma. This gives rise to electromagnetism.
Here, the point to note is: the negative charge is less in magnitude than the positive charge (अग्निर्जागार तमयं सोम आह तवाहमस्मि सख्ये न्योकाः – ऋग्वेद 5-44-15) and the particles are charged and more than two (यो जागार तमृचः कामयन्ते यो जागार तमु सामानि यन्ति – ऋग्वेद 5-44-14).
In modern science, charge interactions are described by the Coulomb’s law, which describes only interaction between charged particles. It cannot describe interaction between a charged particle and a charge-neutral object. In Vedic sciences, the charge interaction is described as follows:
a) Interaction between two positive charges lead to repulsion (विस्फोटक).
b) Total interaction between a positive charges and a negative charge lead to increase in the mass number or creation of a new isotopes (पुष्टिकर).
c) Partial interaction between a positive charges and a negative charge lead to creation of new atoms (सृष्टिकर).
d) Interaction between two negative charges only increases the charge density and is otherwise ineffective (निरर्थक). For this reason only, we can have electricity, where electrons flow without repelling each other. The flow is not repulsion, but it is the nature of energy – to push everything.
continue reading Part -2
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