Know three causes of disease from Ayurveda point of view
Disease has three causes. The first is crossing the tolerance range. Our bodies are programmed to tolerate
all sensations within a specific range. If we cross that range either way, it is called असात्म्य इत्न्द्रयार्थसनीकर्ष
. Prolonged exposure to this imbalance creates problems in specific areas, which makes
us uncomfortable. That is disease.
Time evolution – परिणाम: , It is common to all. What is good in summer is not good in winter or rainy
season. What is good in childhood is not good in youth or old age. Life style based on intake of
inappropriate elements, causes disease.
Sometimes we lose control over our emotions. Food is tasty. We lose control and overeat. We are angry.
We do undesirable things. Sometimes we may know about it and know that we are doing something
wrong. This is called guilty-consciousness - प्रज्ञापराध: . This also causes disease. How to treat it?
Water is caused by a combination of hydrogen and oxygen. But water is not a combination of these two.
They must combine under strictly regulated conditions that creates a new product with totally different
properties. The same is true for all other chemical compositions. Such reactions are called deformations
(पवकािः). When two Bhoota combine, it is called Rasa ( रस from, रसँ आस्वादन स्नेहनयो :).
Deformation (पवकािः) is different from evolution (पववतथः). When a body changes into something else while
retaining its original characteristics, it is called evolution (पववतथः). When a body changes into something
with totally different characteristics, it is called deformation (पवकािः). Aakaasha (space) being inert, does
not take part in any chemical reaction. The Prithwee component of the body can be deformed by Jala,
Teja and Vaayu. The Jala component of the body can be deformed by Teja and Vaayu. The Teja component
of the body can be deformed by Vaayu. This makes for a total of six types of fundamental Rasa. These are
called Madhura (मधुरम - sweet), Amla (अम्ल - sour, acidic), Lavana (लवणम - salty), Teekshna (तीक्ष्णम
bitter), Kashaaya ( कशायम -astringent), Tikta (तीक्तम pungent).
If one looks at the chemical composition of sugars, one will find a commonality. The number of carbon
atoms is same as that of oxygen atoms and number of hydrogen atoms is double that of oxygen like
C6H12O6 or C11H22O11 or C12H24O12 etc. In other words, the number of carbon atoms is equal to those of
water molecules. Since organic compounds are carbon based, our ancient science says Prithwee - पृथ्वी
तत्त्व & Jal - जल तत्त्व combined becomes sweet - मधुररस. A similar combination makes way for the
other Rasas.
Thousands of years before the Primitive Recursive Arithmetic (PRA) came up in Europe, Pingala and others
in ancient India used combinatorics to formulate various recursive algorithms in various texts. It is now
ascribed to Europeans. One famous example used by Halayudha about a thousand years ago in his
commentary on Pingala’s work (Meru Prastaara - मेरुप्रस्तार) is now known as Pascal’s triangles. Halayudha
clearly mentions:
अतोऽनेकदवित्रिलघु क्रियाशसद्यर्थ यावदभिमतं प्रथमप्रस्तारवन्मेरुप्रस्तारं दर्शयति परे पूर्णमिति- ॥ ८। ३५ ॥
उपरिष्टादेकम् चतुरस्रकोष्ठम् लिखित्वा
तस्याधस्तादुभयतोऽर्धनिष्क्रान्तम् कोष्ठकद्बवयं लिखेत् । तस्याप्यधस्तात्रयं
तस्याप्यधस्ताच्चतुष्टयं यावदभिमतं स्थान मिति मेरुप्रस्तारः॥ तस्य प्रथमे कोष्ठे एकसंखयां व्यवस्थाप्य लक्षणशमिदं
प्रवर्येत। तत्र परे कोष्ठे यदवृत्तसंखयाजातं तत् पूर्व कोष्टयोः पूर्णम निवेशयत।
This continued till Patiganita says:
कटुतिक्त कषाया म्ल लवण मधुरै: सखै रसै: षड्भिः ।
विदधाति सूपकारो व्यञ्ज नमाचक्ष्व कति भेदम ॥
(पाटी गणित , उदाहरण श्लोक - 95)
अथाथत - हे मित्र, कटु , तिकत्त, कषाय, अम्ल, लवण, तथा मधुर इि न छः रसों को 1, 2, 3 आदि के मेल से रसोइया क्रमशः कितने प्रकार का व्यंजन बना सकता है, बताओ? Answer 64.
The ancient sage Kashyapa used this to classify all possible Rasas into 64. He divided the diseases into
sixty-four categories and prescribed a method for treating them with a combination of an appropriate
Read concept of Vaata,Kapha,Vayu(
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